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About Thai GCI's Profile


               Thai GCI Resitop Co.,Ltd.  was established in 1990 and started production in 1992. We produces Phenolic Resin
under the most modern technology that is granted by Gun Ei Chemical ( Our technology has been transferred from Gun Ei Chemical Industry which has been specialized in the production of Phenolic Resin since 1946.


                The plant located in Map Ta Put Industrial Estate, Rayong, Thailand with 15,000 MT/year capacity for both novolak and resol type.

Thai GCI Resitop Co., Ltd.

Share Holders

 Gun Ei Chemical Industry  Co.,Ltd. 60%

 Sojitz Corporation 37%

 Sojitz (Thailand) Co.,Ltd. 3%



Thai GCI Resitop Co., Ltd.

Rayong , Thailand.


Our President

Mr. Katsuhiro  Maruyama


             The Quality Management System (QMS) (ISO-9001:2008) of Thai GCI Resitop Co.,Ltd. have been certified  on January 26,2001 under the Quality Policy that was announced by Mr.Okuhara on January 21,2000 to emphasize on our commitment and mention.




               TGCI VISION


1. Thai GCI aims to be the company prospering together with           customers providing the best quaility product and the                   approved service that customers demand.


2. Thai GCI aims to be the leading company owns No.1 cost-           competitiveness Through continued effort to increase                   production efficiency with own originality and creativity.


3. Thai GCI will appreciate for all of customer and supported           person,and will keep on continual growth with cultivating             capability and mind for all of the staff



1. Take effort continuously to get better quality, obeying to GCI   

    Quality Policy as a member of their global group.


2. Supply stable quality product constantly with first

    consideration of client's satisfaction and reliability.


3. Reduce compensating compliance by standardizing all

    process to be stable quality.

บริษัท ไทย จีซีไอ เรซิท็อป จำกัด สำนักงานใหญ่
เลขประจำตัวผู้เสียภาษี  : 0105533140581

เลขที่ 12 ถนน ไอ-สี่ ต. มาบตาพุด อ. เมืองระยอง

จ.ระยอง 21150  ตู้ ป.ณ. 51


Thai GCI Resitop Co., Ltd.

HEAD OFFICE Tax ID. : 0105533140581
12, i-4 Rd., Tambol Map ta phut , Amphur
Muang Rayong , Rayong 21150  Thailand. P.O.Box 51


E-mail :
Tel. :  (+66) 38-683-223-5
Fax. : (+66) 38-683-099

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