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Thai GCI Resitop Co., Ltd. respects and prioritizes the rights, personal data and your personal data protection. The company shall use all data bases on the company operation objectives only. The company implements a rigid security measure and determines to prevent the leak, modification and the unauthorized use of data. The company has managed all data to comply with the relevant laws and be consistent with the approved standards and regulations. 


Objectives of Personal Data Usage: To ensure that all personal data is collected, retained, used, and disclosed accurately and safely and is used legally followed the company objectives and consistently with Personal Data Protection Act B.E. 2562, the company strictly retains all personal data at the highest security level. 


                                     For employee data:  

The company collects, retains, uses, and discloses employee personal data as necessary and as allowed by the employee for the purpose of recruitment, current employment process and target employees, as well as employment contract.  


                                     For customers, suppliers, manufacturers, and contractors data 

The company legally collects, retains, uses, and discloses personal data that is allowed by the employee and as necessary. Data of the employed companies, business contact and other personal data shall be used for the transactions and business in the future to comply with Personal Data Protection Act B.E. 2562. Therefore, the company strictly secures personal data at the highest security.  


                                     Other data

Documents of other personal data shall be collected, retained, used, and disclosed for the legal purpose if there is any request for disclosure or additional collection. 


Data disclosure to the third person

The company shall not disclose personal data of employee or customers as well as other data that can be identified as your data to other person, and shall prevent the use of data unless:

                                   - you give a consent,

                                   - it concerns with your life, health or safety. 

                                   - data providing aims to assist you to operate your designed activity,  

                                   - data disclosure is legal or follows the order of the relevant government agency.  


Sensitive data

TGIC determines some personal data as significant and special data to be protected and secured appropriately. TGCI complies and uses such sensitive data bases on laws or the consent of the data owner or the any business reason permitted by law.  


Data usage and modification  

To allow the data collection, retention, usage, and disclosure of employee and customer personal data to comply with the policy or legislated laws, the employee who owns data shall confirm that the change of personal data is updated and accurate base on the method and pattern specified by the company. If the employee who owns personal data would like to inform the change of data, inform Manager of General Administration to update or modify.  


Policy review

This policy will be reviewed regularly. 


More information about personal data policy, please contact: 

Working Hours: Mon - Fri 08:00 – 17:00 hrs. 

In charge person: Manager of General Administration 

Thai GCI Resitop Co., Ltd.

12 i-4 Rd., T. Map Ta Phut, A. Muang, Rayong, 21150  

Tel: 038-683-223-5 


Privacy Policy /Thai GCI Resitop Co., Ltd.

บริษัท ไทย จีซีไอ เรซิท็อป จำกัด สำนักงานใหญ่
เลขประจำตัวผู้เสียภาษี  : 0105533140581

เลขที่ 12 ถนน ไอ-สี่ ต. มาบตาพุด อ. เมืองระยอง

จ.ระยอง 21150  ตู้ ป.ณ. 51


Thai GCI Resitop Co., Ltd.

HEAD OFFICE Tax ID. : 0105533140581
12, i-4 Rd., Tambol Map ta phut , Amphur
Muang Rayong , Rayong 21150  Thailand. P.O.Box 51


E-mail :
Tel. :  (+66) 38-683-223-5
Fax. : (+66) 38-683-099

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